The University of Miami is the top school for partying in the U.S. according to Playboy Magazine. The University of Florida is No. 4 on the list."When you combine weather and women, no city in the country is hotter than Miami," said Playboy in announcing the list. "That's why the U garnered our highest Bikini index score. Although Nikki Beach is the most beautiful topless seashore in the country, a recent grad raves about "hard-bodied coeds laying out on the campus lake between classes." The magazine doesn't put out its rankings every year. Its last list was in 2006, when the University of Wisconsin-Madison hit the top spot. Playboy says it rated each school in five categories: bikini (a combination of weather, guy-to-girl ratio and cheerleader ranking), sex, campus life, sports and brains. It also says it weighed the views of staffers, photographers, campus representatives, and thousands of students in making its call.
I am always intrigued when I read Playboy's "Best Party School" list because almost all schools can claim to be the best. A great party usually consists of a good male-to-female ratio, good music, a seemingly unending supply of quality alcohol, people who love to get loose, and enough room for everyone to dance and play games. The aforementioned list can be found at 99 percent of the schools in the United States. If you want to party in college, there will always be plenty of opportunities. Typically, big schools with consistently warm weather and/or beaches are at the top of the list. When warm weather, beaches, and lots of people are combined with the usual party ingredients, every day is Spring Break. Nevertheless, a good time can be had at small schools where snow is the norm. Ironically, most of the schools on Playboy's list are strong academic institutions. I'd like to think that students at those schools work hard and play hard. The cynic in me thinks they play hard and cheat just enough to earn a 2.7 GPA. Youthful indiscretion is a amazing thing. Asher Roth's "I Love College" pretty much sums up what the "Best Party School" list is all about.
Um, that party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it
I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked
Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need
Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again
FSU made top party school the year I started. My parents heard that and were displeased.
FAMU could have easily made the list. Playboy won't show the HBCUs any love.
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